District Profile
Alwar has an important place in Agriculture production in Rajasthan. Total geographical area of the district is 7,82,897 hectares which is about 2.5 percent of the State. The net cultivated area is 5,09,107 hectares from which about 83% area viz 4,26,204 is irrigated and remaining 17 percent area viz. 82903 is urirrigated. Double cropped area is 2,72,508 hectares of which 32230 hectares (12%) area is irrigated and remaining 2,40,278 hectares (88%) area is unirrigated. Thus, the total cropped area of the district is 7,81,615 hectares. In Kharif season Bajra, Maize, Jowar, Kharif Pulses, Arhar, Sesamum, Cotton, Guar etc. are sown in about 3,29,088 hectares (42%) and in Rabi season Wheat, Barley, Gram, Mustard, Taramira, Rabi pulses etc.are shown in about 4,52,527 hectares (58%). The main source of irrigation are wells and Tube wells. About 192861 hectares area is being irrigated by tube wells and about 265169 hectares area is irrigated by wells. By other sources like canals, tanks, about 404 hectares area is irrigated. About 35470 electric motors and 66502 Diesel pump sets are being used for irrigation purposes. The normal rainfall for the district is 657.3 mm. The average rainfall in last ten years in the district is 724 mm. The rainfall distribution in the district is uneven and scattered which some times result in flood or drought problems in the area affecting the Agriculture production as well as cropping pattern in Kharif & Rabi seasons. Thus, the Agriculture in the district by and large depends upon the rainfall distribution.
Agriculture and animal husbandry is the main source of occupation in the area. Among crops, the farmers depend upon rape-seed mustard cultivation during the rabi and bajra, jowar, sesasum and guar during the kharif season. Lagging far behind the technological know - hows and recent advances in agriculture, the actual productivity of crops is much low to their actual potential. Adoption of improved varieties in crops or improved breeds in animals, proper feed to animals their vaccination or medication, balanced doses of manures and fertilizers, use proper seed rate, seed treatment, timely intercultural operations, use of proper plant protection measures are lagging far behind to technical fitness. The rainfall is unpredictable, uneven and scattered. It might had satisfied the need of crops during the previous years, but was not sufficient to provide recharges of the under ground water in the area. The water table therefore, is on a regular fall each year. The water conservation technologies in this area are yet to be adequately introduced. Besides agriculture, there is a scope of laying orchards (mainly ber, guava, pome granate, papaya, aonla etc.). Vegetable growing is also a thrust area where use of hybrid varieties under a protection umbrella needs to be appreciated. The Govt. of Rajasthan has made its efforts to develop aonla orchards duirng these years and such orchards are developed in wide areas. However processing units for aonla, other fruits and vegetables are required. Similarly, onion is being cultivated into 25000 hectares but proper storage structures or storage faciliteis are to be developed. High yielding breed of animals together with proper skill towards animal keeping has to be introduced. Construction of farm ponds or popularising micro- irrigation system is required in the area.
In all, introduction and establishment of recent technologies in modern agriculture has a vast scope in Alwar district of Rajasthan. Sincere efforts in this direction will certainly have a direct and much wanted impact upon the socio-economic status of the farmer community in this region. Nagopur